IPA Dashboard

What are Internal Performance Agreements(IPAs)?

IPAs are internal performance agreements between the project management unit and different levels of the health sector. In an IPA, funding is attached to specified and agreed-upon levels of performance of institutions in the system, paid quarterly after internal verification. The purpose of an IPA is to enhance performance of health facilities, district and state-level administrative units and improve the quality of their services or performance.

Aims and focus of IPAs for-

  • Health Facilities: To stimulate facilities to move to a better quality of services, reach National Quality Assurance Standards (NQAS) certification and boost their management accordingly.

  • Health Administration: Focused on supervisory, coordination and coaching tasks, in part to enable and facilitate the health facilities to reach NQAS certification.

  • State Insurance: Aims to boost coverage, utilization, efficiency, and quality in running the various health insurance schemes.
